Fort George Brewery-Astoria, Oregon


Fort George Brewery-Astoria, Oregon

  Posted on August 11, 2013 by 

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Astoria, Oregon

This is one of our favorite breweries on the Pacific Coast. Just a trip to Astoria alone could be filled with checking out where the Goonies movie was filmed, eating some of the best clam chowder, and staying at a cozy B & B. You must take the time to visit this brewery that is housed in an old dealership and fur warehouse. The food is exquisite-house made sausage and albacore fish & chips are delectable. They sport some of the greatest beer paraphernalia including slap wrap beverage insulators, wicked t-shirts, and stamped growlers.

Draft regulars like Vortex IPA, Nut Red Ale, Quick Wit, Working Girl Porter, and Cavatica Stout will apeal to your tastebuds and are available in cans. If you’re lucky you can taste one of their seasonals; Coffee Girl, Drunkin Pumpkin, and the North Series to name a few. Davin had the occasionally brewed Bourbon Barrel Cavitca Stout and loved it!

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If you ever have the pleasure of traveling to the Pacific Northwest you can find yourself a handy craft beer map of Oregon. There are 137 brewing companies in Oregon according to online sources on Oregon Craft Beer quotes  that the “total economic impact from the beer industry is $2.83 billion for Oregon’s economy+employs 29,000 people and operates 175 brewing facilities in 59 cities in Oregon.”